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Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality

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The information contained in this report is obtained from MDEQ's enSite (electronic environmental Site Information System) System used by the Office of Pollution Control's Air Division, Environmental Permits Division and Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Division, and the Office of Geology's Mining and Reclamation Division. The purpose of the system is to support permitting and compliance activities of the Department of Environmental Quality. Regulatory programs that are supported by this database are the Surface Water National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program; the Air Title V, Construction and Operating Programs; the Solid and Hazardous Waste Programs; Geology Surface Mining and Reclamation Division; and the Waste Tire Program (the UST program is currently not supported). There are other regulatory programs within the Department that do not currently utilize this database including programs managed by the Office of Land and Water, and the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program.

OPC Environmental Permits Division

Public Hearing Details

JWC Environmental, LLC, Lauderdale County Waste Transfer Station

AI IDBranchSICCountyBasinStartEnd
86495Solid Waste4953LauderdalePascagoula River05/02/2024 

Physical Address (Primary)Mailing Address
3201Southern Way Blvd
Meridian, MS 39301
1400 Willow Lake Road
Toomsuba, MS 39364

Hearing DateHearing Location
02/20/2025Lauderdale County Courthouse Boardroom
612 22nd Avenue South
Meridian, MS39301

Comments: JWC Environmental, LLC, has submitted a permit application to the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) for the operation of the Lauderdale County Waste Transfer Station, to be located at 3201 Southern Way Boulevard, Meridian, MS, 39303 which is located within the Key Brothers Industrial Park owned by the Lauderdale County Economic Development District. The facility will primarily accept garbage and other municipal solid wastes from residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional sources for temporary storage prior to transporting the wastes to a permitted solid waste disposal facility. MDEQ will hold a public hearing on the proposed project at 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 2025. This public hearing is being held at the Lauderdale County Courthouse Boardroom located at 612 22nd Avenue South, Meridian, MS 39301. The submitted solid waste permit application proposes to allow the facility to collect and temporarily store municipal solid waste, transfer the waste to long haul vehicles, and transport the waste to an approved municipal solid waste landfill. Additionally, the facility may sort and segregate recyclable materials from the incoming waste stream or receive pre-sorted recyclables, for temporary storage prior to transporting the recyclables to a legitimate end-use facility or disposal facility. Municipal solid wastes and garbage will be off-loaded and managed within a fully enclosed 5,000 square foot building. The total property area to be owned by JWC Environmental, LLC is approximately 7 acres within the Key Industrial Park. The approved service area for the facility, as approved by the Lauderdale County Board of Supervisors, includes the counties of Clarke, Jasper, Kemper, Lauderdale, Neshoba, and Newton in Mississippi along with the contiguous Alabama counties of Choctaw and Sumter.

Shared Documents

VIEWPermit TypeDocument Description
click for document Solid Waste Transfer StationOnline Public Hearing
click for document Solid Waste Transfer StationRationale
click for document Solid Waste Transfer StationDraft Permit
click for document Solid Waste Transfer StationRevised Permit Application

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