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Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality

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The information contained in this report is obtained from MDEQ's enSite (electronic environmental Site Information System) System used by the Office of Pollution Control's Air Division, Environmental Permits Division and Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Division, and the Office of Geology's Mining and Reclamation Division. The purpose of the system is to support permitting and compliance activities of the Department of Environmental Quality. Regulatory programs that are supported by this database are the Surface Water National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program; the Air Title V, Construction and Operating Programs; the Solid and Hazardous Waste Programs; Geology Surface Mining and Reclamation Division; and the Waste Tire Program (the UST program is currently not supported). There are other regulatory programs within the Department that do not currently utilize this database including programs managed by the Office of Land and Water, and the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program. For Additional Information about Permits at Public Notice follow this link.

Mississippi State University

General Information

AI IDBranchSICCountyBasinStartEnd
37466 NONE SELECTEDOktibbehaNone04/29/2008 

Physical and Mailing Address

Physical Address (Primary)Mailing Address
Mississippi State University
PO Box 5208
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Mississippi State University
PO Box 5208
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Permits and Alternate/Historic AI Identifiers

Alt IDAlt NameAlt TypeStart DateEnd Date
37466Mississippi State University Howell HallAir-Notification04/29/2008 
37466Mississippi State University Roberts Laundry BuildingAir-Notification07/14/2008 
37466Mississippi State University Lee HallAir-Notification07/24/2008 
37466Mississippi State University Building 1724, ARC GreenhouseAir-Notification08/01/2008 
37466Misssissippi State University Building 1723 Animal Research CenterAir-Notification08/01/2008 
37466Mississippi State University Band HallAir-Notification08/28/2008 
37466Lloyd-Ricks HallAir-Notification01/24/2009 
37466Harned HallAir-Notification04/10/2009 
37466McKee HallAir-Notification05/22/2009 
37466Dorman HallAir-Notification07/27/2009 
37466MaKee HallAir-Notification11/25/2009 
37466Wise Center Veterinary SchoolAir-Notification02/17/201002/17/2010
37466Suttle HallAir-Notification05/28/2010 
37466Sessums HallAir-Notification07/03/2010 
37466Middleton HallAir-Notification07/12/2010 
37466178 2 Morrill RoadAir-Notification01/24/2011 
37466177 Magruder Street residenceAir-Notification07/05/2011 
37466Arbour Acres ApartmentsAir-Notification07/05/2011 
37466150 Magruder Street ResidenceAir-Notification07/05/2011 
37466272 MagruderAir-Notification07/11/2011 
37466Howell Eng BuildingAir-Notification07/28/2011 
37466Carpenter Eng Room 306Air-Notification10/04/2011 
37466Transporatation Shuttle Operating TrailerAir-Notification01/04/2012 
37466Aiken Village Student HousingAir-Notification02/16/2012 
37466Building 103Air-Notification03/01/2012 
37466Perry CafeteriaAir-Notification06/19/2012 
37466Lee HallAir-Notification07/02/2012 
37466Allen HallAir-Notification07/13/2012 
37466Mckee and Sessums HallAir-Notification07/27/2012 
37466Memorial HallAir-Notification10/15/2012 
37466Gast Rearing basementAir-Notification11/06/2012 
37466Agr BarnAir-Notification07/26/2013 
37466Allen Hall OfficeAir-Notification07/26/2013 
37466Animal Health Center and Education Facilities Vet MedicineAir-Notification09/27/201310/09/2013
37466Vet Clinic Maintenance BuildingAir-Notification10/16/2013 
37466Lift Station StorageAir-Notification11/13/2013 
37466Building 1170 Breeders Coop Equipment ShedAir-Notification11/18/2013 
37466Building 1196 DRC Portable BuildingAir-Notification11/18/2013 
37466Building 1152 ARC Sheep ShelterAir-Notification11/18/2013 
37466Building 1204 ARC RIA Physiology LabAir-Notification11/18/2013 
37466Building 1271 PSRC Motor Pool StorageAir-Notification11/18/2013 
37466Longest HouseAir-Notification01/21/2014 
37466Building #1122 ARC Feed & Fertilizer BarnAir-Notification01/23/2014 
37466Mill, The & Auxiliary BuildingsAir-Notification03/25/2014 
37466Building 1441 Dairy Lounging BarAir-Notification05/05/2014 
37466Bldg#1720, ARC Equipment ShelterAir-Notification06/16/2014 
37466Bldg# 1721, ARC Surplus BldgAir-Notification06/16/2014 
37466Evans Hall DormitoryAir-Notification11/01/2014 
37466Old Golf Course StorageAir-Notification11/12/2014 
37466Mississippi State University Building 1695 Dorman Lake BathroomAir-Notification11/21/2014 
37466Mississippi State University Building 1684 Dorman Lake PavilionAir-Notification11/21/2014 
37466Harned Hall OfficesAir-Notification02/24/2015 
37466Allen Hall OfficeAir-Notification02/24/2015 
37466Herzer Hall OfficeAir-Notification02/24/2015 
37466Allen Hall OfficeAir-Notification05/14/2015 
37466Dorman Hall OfficeAir-Notification05/19/2015 
37466Carpenter Hall OfficeAir-Notification05/19/2015 
37466Mitchell Memorial LibraryAir-Notification09/18/2015 
37466Delta Delta Delta HouseAir-Notification10/02/2015 
37466Roberts BuildingAir-Notification10/19/2015 
37466ge Lab ShedAir-Notification11/12/2015 
37466Aiken Village housing unitsAir-Notification12/21/2015 
37466Room 121Air-Notification01/09/2016 
37466Room 311 Carpenter HallAir-Notification05/05/2016 
37466Building 1139 ARC CorralAir-Notification06/14/2016 
37466Building 2183 Intramural Sports office & MaintenanceAir-Notification06/21/2016 
37466YMCA BuildingAir-Notification10/21/2016 
37466Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity houseAir-Notification11/29/2016 
37466Hathorn HallAir-Notification12/09/2016 
37466Rice Hall - 180 Magruder StreetAir-Notification05/09/2017 
37466Dudy Noble FieldAir-Notification06/13/2017 
37466Dorman Hall officeAir-Notification06/27/2017 
3746676 Magruder StreetAir-Notification07/21/2017 
37466McCarthy Gym, room 230Air-Notification08/08/2017 
37466Simrall HallAir-Notification09/06/2017 
37466Music Building DAir-Notification02/22/2018 
37466Aiken Village Child Daycare Building 20Air-Notification03/21/2018 
37466Critz Hall 685 Barr AvenueAir-Notification05/04/2018 
37466111 Clyde Q Sheely Circle Air-Notification05/17/2018 
37466Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity houseAir-Notification05/24/2018 
3746652 Mafes CircleAir-Notification06/15/2018 
374661172 Lee BoulevardAir-Notification06/18/2018 
37466Allen Hall - OfficeAir-Notification03/04/2019 
37466Building #1582, Equipment Storage BuildingAir-Notification03/15/2019 
37466McKee Hall, 1st Floor Corridors, 2nd Floor throughout, 3rd Floor - Room 307Air-Notification04/25/2019 
37466Sessums HallAir-Notification04/30/2019 
37466606 Mobile StreetAir-Notification06/03/2020 
37466Sigma Alpha Epsilon HouseAir-Notification07/31/2020 
37466Butler HallAir-Notification09/30/2020 
37466Building #2220Air-Notification11/17/2020 
37466Building #2157Air-Notification11/17/2020 
37466IED Building - ClassroomAir-Notification01/15/2021 
37466Dorman HallAir-Notification03/03/2021 
37466Building #1702, HeadhouseAir-Notification03/05/2021 
37466Allen HallAir-Notification05/14/2021 
37466IED BuildingAir-Notification07/26/2021 
37466Forest & Wildlife Facilities Air-Notification08/30/2021 
37466Carpenter Hall Air-Notification09/09/2021 
37466Building #0107, Forest Products Bldg 4Air-Notification11/10/2021 
37466Carpenter HallAir-Notification11/22/2021 
37466Wise Vet ClinicAir-Notification12/06/2021 
37466Walker HallAir-Notification02/10/2022 
37466Hill PoultryAir-Notification02/10/2022 
37466Coliseum - Phase 1Air-Notification03/03/2022 
37466IED BuildingAir-Notification03/03/2022 
37466Allen Hall - 175 Presidents CircleAir-Notification04/05/2022 
37466109 1/2Col Muldrow & 10944 Hwy 182 Air-Notification06/27/2022 
37466Room 117Air-Notification10/28/2022 
37466Harned HallAir-Notification12/05/2022 
37466Music Hall, Bldg BAir-Notification02/03/2023 
37466Hull Hall (Roof)Air-Notification02/17/2023 
37466Cresswell HallAir-Notification04/25/2023 
37466 101 Robert Jones CircleAir-Notification04/27/2023 
37466McCarthy GymAir-Notification05/01/2023 
37466McCool HallAir-Notification05/17/2023 
37466Rice Hall - McKay St Air-Notification08/26/2023 
37466Patterson Hall Air-Notification08/31/2023 
37466330 Walker Hardy RdAir-Notification12/01/2023 
37466Research & Curriculum UnitAir-Notification02/16/2024 
37466Harthorn HallAir-Notification02/23/2024 
37466Motor Pool StorageAir-Notification06/24/2024 
37466Building 1268, MAFES Services StorageAir-Notification06/24/2024 
37466Building 1247, PSRC Warehouse StorageAir-Notification06/24/2024 
37466Perry Cafeteria, BasementAir-Notification07/03/2024 
37466Walker Engineering, 3rd FloorAir-Notification07/19/2024 
37466Building #1198Air-Notification07/23/2024 
37466Dorman HallAir-Notification08/07/2024 
37466Food Research, Enology Lab #1182, Rooms 117 & 205Air-Notification11/21/2024 
37466Buildings 808, 810 & 812Air-Notification12/02/2024 

Office of Pollution Control Contacts

NameAssignmentPhone Number

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Disclaimer: The information found in enSearch Online is for informational purposes only. While the Department makes reasonable efforts to maintain the data accurately and in a timely manner, enSearch Online is not a legal substitute for the official administrative files of the Department and will from time to time contain information that is not as complete as the information contained in the full administrative file of the agency. Additionally, typographical errors may occur in the transcription of written or typed information into the enSearch Online database; therefore, care should be taken to confirm the information in the database with information in the agency's administrative files. If any conflict exists between information contained in the enSearch Online database and the official administrative files of the Department, the official administrative files of the Department should be considered the official record. Nor is the posting of information on enSearch Online intended to replace the traditional methods of publishing public notice of certain documents as required by State and Federal statutes and/or regulations. EnSearch Online is intended to enhance the public's access to basic agency information. If you wish to review the official public records of the Department, you should contact the Public Records Officer of the Department at :
attn:Public Records Officer,
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality

PO Box 2261,
Jackson, MS 39225-2261,
Phone Number (601) 961-5758 or
(601) 961-5171,
Fax Number (601) 354-6356.