Top 50 SICs

SICSIC Description
0212Beef cattle, except feedlots
0241Dairy farms
0251Broiler, fryer, and roaster chickens
0252Chicken eggs
0721Crop planting, cultivating, and protecting
0724Cotton ginning
1311Crude petroleum and natural gas
1442Construction sand and gravel
1521Single-family houses
1522Residential building construction, nec
1541Industrial buildings and warehouses
1542Nonresidential building construction, nec
1611Highway and street construction, except elevated highway
1622Bridge, tunnel, and elevated highway
1623Water, sewer, and utility lines
1629Heavy construction, nec
2011Meat packing plants
2421Sawmills and planing mills, general
2951Asphalt paving mixtures and blocks
3011Tires and inner tubes
3272Concrete products, nec
3273Ready-mixed concrete
4212Local trucking, without storage
4213Trucking, except local
4225General warehousing and storage
4581Airports, flying fields, and terminal services
4911Electric services
4922Natural gas transmission
4941Water supply
4952Sewerage systems
4953Refuse systems
5093Scrap and waste materials
5171Petroleum bulk stations and terminals
5311Department stores
5411Grocery stores
5511New and used car dealers
5531Auto and home supply stores
5541Gasoline service stations
5812Eating places
6513Apartment building operators
6515Mobile home site operators
6552Subdividers and developers, except cemeteries
7033RV parks and campsites
7212Garment pressing and cleaners' agents
7532Top, body, and upholstery repair and paint shops
7538General automotive repair shops
7542Car washes
8211Elementary and secondary schools

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attn:Public Records Officer,
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality

PO Box 2261,
Jackson, MS 39225-2261,
Phone Number (601) 961-5758 or
(601) 961-5171,
Fax Number (601) 354-6356.