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snippet: Unites States Geological Survey, all Water Quality Sites. These points were provided to MDEQ to assist in Monitoring Planning purposes.
summary: Unites States Geological Survey, all Water Quality Sites. These points were provided to MDEQ to assist in Monitoring Planning purposes.
extent: [[-91.6237292,30.1827777800001],[-88.160039,34.9903718000001]]
accessInformation: USGS, MDEQ
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Real-time Water Quality Sites: At selected surface-water and groundwater sites, the USGS maintains instruments that continuously record physical and chemical characteristics of the water including pH, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. Supporting data such as air temperature and barometric pressure are also available at some sites. At sites where this information is transmitted automatically, data are available from the real-time data system. Real-time data are time-series (recorded at fixed intervals) data from automated equipment and represent the most current hydrologic conditions. Measurements are commonly recorded at 15- to 60-minute intervals and transmitted to the USGS real-time database every 1-4 hours. Real-time data are available online for 120 days. Real-time Stream Flow: At selected surface-water sites, the USGS maintains instruments that continuously record water levels. Other data such as precipitation are also available at some sites. At sites where this information is transmitted automatically, data are available from the real-time data system. Real-time data are time-series (recorded at fixed intervals) data from automated equipment and represent the most current hydrologic conditions. Measurements are commonly recorded at 15- to 60-minute intervals and transmitted to the USGS real-time database every 1-4 hours. Real-time data are available online for 120 days. Surface Water Quality Sites After 1980: The USGS collects and analyzes chemical, physical, and biological properties of water, sediment and tissue samples from across the Nation. The NWISWeb discrete sample data base is a compilation of over 4.4 million historical water quality analyses in the USGS district data bases through September 2005. The discrete sample data is a large and complex set of data that has been collected by a variety of projects ranging from national programs to studies in small watersheds. Data from field and/or laboratory analyses of water samples, biological tissue, stream sediments, or other environmental samples is included. Data include approved, quality-assured data that may be published, and more recent provisional data, whose accuracy has not been verified. For convenience, the datasets have been divided into those collected after 1980. Surface Water Quality Sites Before 1980: The USGS collects and analyzes chemical, physical, and biological properties of water, sediment and tissue samples from across the Nation. The NWISWeb discrete sample data base is a compilation of over 4.4 million historical water quality analyses in the USGS district data bases through September 2005. The discrete sample data is a large and complex set of data that has been collected by a variety of projects ranging from national programs to studies in small watersheds. Data from field and/or laboratory analyses of water samples, biological tissue, stream sediments, or other environmental samples is included. Data include approved, quality-assured data that may be published, and more recent provisional data, whose accuracy has not been verified. For convenience, the datasets have been divided into those collected prior to 1980. Groundwater Quality: At selected groundwater sites, the USGS maintains instruments that continuously record physical and chemical characteristics of the water including pH, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and percent dissolved-oxygen saturation. Supporting data such as air temperature and barometric pressure are also available at some sites. Also, data from field and/or laboratory analyses of discrete water samples are included. Data include approved, quality-assured data that may be published, and more recent provisional data, whose accuracy has not been verified. The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, currentness, reliability, or suitability for any particular purpose of the data contained here in.
title: USGS All Water Quality Sites
type: Map Service
tags: ["USGS","Water Quality"]
culture: en-US
name: USGS_AllWQ
guid: 37CB0FFC-B587-456C-97C1-E6146AB4C60D
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere